středa 10. září 2014

stredecni sny

sen 1:
zdalo se mi o rozlehle stavebnici lega. byl to hrad  podhradi atd. krabice se mi zdala pomerne mala na to, kolik by mela obsahovat casti. po otevreni jsem zjistila, ze ibsahuje nekolik sacku. v kazdem sacku byla vzdy jen cast dane casti stavebnice. k puvodni sade kostek se tedy musely prikupovat dalsi casti. nez jsem stihla zjistit co je v jakem sacku, nekdo je vsechny otevrel a smichal dohromady.

sen 2

zdalo se mi, ze jeem na praxi/brigade v nejakem kramku (neco jako na vaclavaku) a pracuji tam se mnou dve zeny. jedna vysoka hubena, druha mensi zavalitejsi. rekly my ze pro mne maji ukol. vecer je ples a ony potrebuji plesove saty. nedaleko je pujcovna, at pry pro ne saty vyberu. kdyz jsem prisla do pujcovny plesovych satu (byly takove disney princeznovske) bylo tam desitky lidi. zeny v pujcovne mi rekly, ze se vecer kona velky ples a kazdy si chce na pislednu chvili pujcit saty. jestli nejake chci, mam si pry pospisit. a jake potrebuji? nevim. domluvila jsem se v obchode, ze pi pujci vice satu a ja pak nepotrebne saty prijdu vratit. za kazde saty, ale budou chtit zalohu 200 kc. mohu platit kartou a nebo hotovosti? sla jsem zpatky do obchodu a zjistila od zen jejich velikosti. vratila sr zpet do pujcovny a vypujcila nejake saty. platila jsem kartou. zpatky jsem dostala hotovost.

sen 3

zdalo s mi, ze sedim na billboardu na nadrazi a vedle mne sedi obr s ovazanou nohou. sundal si obvaz, vzal mne do naruce a seskocil se mnou z billboardu. vse kolem se zatraslo a tam co dopadl, zustal dulek v zemi. rychle se mnou bezel, az jsme dosli do stareho zabavniho parku. nekdo mel rozlucku se svobodou. v parku byla stara strelnice, opustene skluzavky a dalsi atrakce. take tu byla hala s elektronickymi automaty (strilecky atd)

neděle 24. srpna 2014

nedelni sen

dnes v noci se mi zdalo, ze se na obloze objevil zvlastni meteorit. visel ve vzduchu a nezdalo se, ze by se jakkoliv pohyboval, nebo priblizoval k zemi. visel tam nekolik hodin, dni, tydnu.. nikdo nevedel co je zac a jak a proc se tam objevil. po nejake dobe se zacaly objevovat podobne "meteority" okolo cele zeme. stejne i vetsi a mensi. slunce postupne zacalo oslabovat, setmelo se a ochladilo. po nejake dobe jsme uz tusili ze to nejsou obycejne meteority. u meteoritu se objevily vetsi i mensi vesmirne lode a zacly strilet primo do zeme. meteority se otevrely a zacly se kolem nich rojit drobne vesmirne lode a vesmirni tvorove jako kdyz se roji vcely, mouchy a vosy. vsichni zacli utocit na zemi a my se nemeli jak branit.

barbucha dream

no longer in english

rozhodla jsem se sny zapisovat tak jak jsou - tzn v cestine. bude to o mnoho jednodussi a pravdepodobne i zajimavejsi

a mozna budu zapisovat casteji

nazev blogu nechavam


sobota 26. července 2014

today dream: ice race

today dream was sand and ice race at foreign chocolate country.

first of all i was searching shops for the best chocolate of the world. cause my family and friends asked me to. the chocolates were very quite big and very expensive or small samples and quite cheap. so i decide to buy those small samples and give it to more people.

then the day of the race has begun. i kind of missed the start (dont know why, havent overslept) and was deciding if run or not. i decide to run and i have been faster than anyone else. the race was kind of special. first of there was sand and dunes with some spot and stripes patterns (like computer one) dont know how to describe better.

the other part of the race was the ice race. it was some kind of ice cave with corridors. the corridors became smaller and smaller. i had some small child behind me. the small child got blocked in the smallest part of the corridor and was not able to move.

now the saddest part of the dream. they did not know what to do with the stucked child. so they called its mother to hold its hand. and then they were deciding if giving the child food and let it die its own way and longer, or shot it and and give it a peace.

they decide to shot it

neděle 18. května 2014

today dream: shoot-out

i was kind part of some swat or something. something army type. we were somewhere in the undreground streets and had shoot-out there. i was refilling automatic guns for others. they were trying to catch someone and kept shooting all around. i was supposed to meet my mum, but she havent know about my job. noone has. it was secret. i was a lot nervous about that meeting and they told me i can not go until finished hunting. i tried to be fastest as possible while reffiling the automatic guns. bullets where everywhere around. once i saw a pretty girl in the corner of the stairs and told her its dangerous to stay there and she said "its ok, no problem". next time i saw her, she was lieing on the blanket on the ground, trying to sleep. crazy idea. bullets were everywhere and then i realized the target is above the corner. there were two possibilities: tell the others, but they might be slow, or try to shoot it by myself. because it was above/behind the corner, some bullet bounced and hit my head. i had no shield or helmet anymore that time. i checked i was not hurt and decide to go and shoot. so i ran above the corner and shoot a lot. i think i shot the target, but also felt blood an my throat. then i woke up.

čtvrtek 17. dubna 2014

today dream: bowie

i was somewhere in foreign town/city. probably england/london. i was there with part of my friends and family. i was walking the streets while taking pictures. looking at buildings etc. then i decide go to the park. there was some stage and some music. i went closer and discovered, there is david bowie near to the stage. watching other musicians on the stage. i decide to come closer and take some pictures. since he discovered i was using vintage camera, he asked me about that and want to take pictures together. he also took picture of myself and asked me to send him the pictures, since developed.